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The Snake and The Mirror


“The Snake and the Mirror” by Vaikom Muhammad Basheer is a compelling short story that blends humor with a deep exploration of human nature. Through the experience of a homeopathic doctor, the story delves into themes of vanity, fear, and the unpredictability of life. Basheer’s unique narrative style turns an ordinary event into a profound reflection on human folly and self-realization.

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Summary of “The Snake and the Mirror” by Vaikom Muhammad Basheer
Introduction: “The Snake and the Mirror” is a short story by Vaikom Muhammad Basheer, a renowned Indian writer known for his ability to blend humor with profound insights into human nature. This story is a perfect example of Basheer’s unique storytelling style, where a seemingly ordinary event is transformed into a narrative that explores themes such as vanity, fear, and the unpredictability of life. The story is both entertaining and thought-provoking, using irony and humor to convey deeper messages about human behavior and the nature of existence.

Description: The story is narrated by a homeopathic doctor who recounts a terrifying yet humorous incident from his past. The narrative begins with the doctor, then a bachelor, living in a small, poorly furnished, and rat-infested rented room. Despite the modesty of his surroundings, the doctor is preoccupied with his appearance, often admiring himself in the mirror and making decisions to enhance his looks. His vanity is humorously depicted, as he imagines growing a thin moustache to look more handsome and contemplates marrying a wealthy, overweight woman who wouldn’t be able to chase him if he made a mistake.
The turning point in the story occurs when a cobra suddenly lands on the doctor’s shoulder and coils itself around his arm. This unexpected and terrifying event forces the doctor into a state of paralysis, where he is unable to move or cry out. Despite his immobility, the doctor’s mind remains active, reflecting on the presence of God and the futility of his earlier concerns. The snake, seemingly fascinated by its reflection in the mirror, eventually slithers off the doctor and towards the mirror, giving the doctor a chance to escape. The story ends with the doctor humorously recounting how he fled to a friend’s house and later discovered that a thief had stolen most of his belongings, leaving behind only his dirty vest.

Description: The story vividly portrays the doctor’s vanity and preoccupation with his appearance. His constant self-admiration in the mirror and his humorous thoughts about marriage illustrate his superficial concerns. This vanity is sharply contrasted with the life-threatening situation he faces, highlighting the absurdity of his earlier thoughts.
Example: The doctor’s decision to grow a thin moustache and keep an attractive smile reflects his desire to look more handsome, underscoring his vanity.
Memory Tip: Remember the phrase “Mirror, mirror on the wall,” which symbolizes self-admiration, to recall the doctor’s vanity.

Description: The theme of fear is central to the story, depicted through the doctor’s reaction to the snake. His paralysis and intense fear in the face of danger reveal the vulnerability and helplessness that come with such situations.
Example: The doctor’s inability to move or cry out when the snake coils around his arm illustrates the paralyzing effect of fear.
Memory Tip: Associate the word “freeze” with fear to remember how the doctor was immobilized by terror.

Unpredictability of Life:
Description: Basheer uses the sudden appearance of the snake to highlight the unpredictability of life. The doctor’s routine is abruptly disrupted by this unexpected event, forcing him to confront his mortality and the futility of his vanity.
Example: The snake’s sudden landing on the doctor’s shoulder and its subsequent actions are unpredictable, emphasizing the theme of life’s uncertainties.
Memory Tip: Think of the phrase “Expect the unexpected” to remember the theme of unpredictability.

Description: The story also explores the theme of self-realization, as the doctor reflects on his life and his relationship with God during the snake incident. This moment of introspection leads to a transformation in his character, from vanity to humility.
Example: The doctor’s silent prayer and his reflections on the presence of God during the ordeal illustrate his journey towards self-realization.
Memory Tip: Link the phrase “Look within” to the idea of self-realization, as the doctor introspects during the crisis.

Author’s Vision: Vaikom Muhammad Basheer’s vision in “The Snake and the Mirror” is to critique human vanity and superficial concerns while highlighting the deeper, often ignored aspects of life such as fear, humility, and the unpredictable nature of existence. Basheer uses humor and irony to soften the critique, making the story not only a lesson in humility but also an entertaining read. The story serves as a reminder of the importance of self-awareness and the need to focus on what truly matters in life.

Conclusion: “The Snake and the Mirror” is a masterful blend of humor and profound insights into human nature. Basheer’s skillful storytelling, use of irony, and exploration of themes such as vanity, fear, and unpredictability make the story both engaging and thought-provoking. Through the doctor’s experiences, the story conveys important life lessons about humility, self-realization, and the transient nature of fear and vanity. It is a story that entertains while also encouraging the reader to reflect on their own life and priorities.

Key Points to Remember

  • Vanity vs. Reality: The story contrasts the doctor’s vanity and preoccupation with his appearance against the harsh reality of a life-threatening situation.
  • Fear and Paralysis: The doctor’s intense fear when the snake coils around his arm showcases how fear can immobilize a person, both physically and mentally.
  • Irony and Humor: Basheer uses irony and humor to highlight the absurdity of the doctor’s vanity, particularly through the snake’s fascination with its reflection in the mirror.
  • Self-Realization: The snake incident leads the doctor to a moment of self-realization, where he reflects on the futility of his superficial concerns and acknowledges the presence of a higher power.
  • Unpredictability of Life: The sudden appearance of the snake serves as a reminder of life’s unpredictability and the need for humility in the face of unforeseen challenges.
  • Basheer’s Vision: The story reflects Basheer’s vision of the simplicity of life, human folly, and the importance of self-awareness and humility.
  • Setting and Atmosphere: The small, dimly lit, and rat-infested room enhances the story’s tension and underscores the doctor’s vulnerability, contributing to the overall mood of unease.
  • Moral Lesson: The story conveys a moral lesson about the importance of humility, the transient nature of vanity, and the unpredictability of life’s events.

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