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Chemical Reactions of Organic Compounds

This chapter on “Chemical Reactions of Organic Compounds” is crucial in understanding the chemistry behind everyday products like fuels, plastics, medicines, and cleaning agents. It highlights how organic reactions are foundational to industries that produce essential items, from energy to personal care products. Understanding these concepts enables us to make informed choices about the materials and chemicals we use daily

Substitution Reactions

Substitution reactions are a fundamental type of organic chemical reaction where one functional group in a chemical compound is replaced by another. This type of reaction is characteristic of saturated hydrocarbons, such as alkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons like benzene. Substitution reactions can be categorized into nucleophilic, electrophilic, and radical substitutions.

Nucleophilic Substitution: This occurs when a nucleophile, an electron-rich species, replaces a leaving group in a compound. There are two main types: SN1 and SN2. In SN1 reactions, the rate-determining step involves the formation of a carbocation intermediate, making the reaction rate dependent on the concentration of the substrate only. SN2 reactions, on the other hand, involve a single, concerted step where the nucleophile attacks the substrate from the opposite side of the leaving group, resulting in inversion of configuration.

Example: The hydrolysis of alkyl halides to form alcohols is a common nucleophilic substitution reaction:
R-X + H₂O → R-OH + HX
where R-X is an alkyl halide, and HX is the hydrogen halide by-product.

Electrophilic Substitution: This type involves the replacement of a hydrogen atom in an aromatic ring with an electrophile. The stability of the aromatic ring is maintained throughout the reaction, which usually proceeds via an intermediate carbocation.

Example: The nitration of benzene to form nitrobenzene:
C₆H₆ + HNO₃ → (H₂SO₄) C₆H₅NO₂ + H₂O

Radical Substitution: In this type, radicals, which are species with unpaired electrons, replace a hydrogen atom in an alkane. This process is typically initiated by UV light or heat.

Example: The chlorination of methane:
CH₄ + Cl₂ → (hv) CH₃Cl + HCl

Tip for Easy Remembering: Associate “substitution” with “switching partners.” Imagine the reaction as a dance where one partner (functional group) is replaced by another, while the rest of the molecule (the dance floor) remains unchanged.

Addition Reactions

Addition reactions are reactions where atoms or groups of atoms are added to a molecule without the loss of any atom. These reactions are typical of unsaturated compounds, such as alkenes and alkynes, which have carbon-carbon double or triple bonds that can be broken to accommodate the added atoms.

Electrophilic Addition: This involves the addition of an electrophile to a double or triple bond. The reaction proceeds through the formation of a carbocation intermediate, followed by the addition of a nucleophile.

Example: The hydration of ethene to form ethanol:
C₂H₄ + H₂O → (H₂SO₄) C₂H₅OH

Hydrogenation: This is the addition of hydrogen to unsaturated compounds, typically in the presence of a metal catalyst like nickel, palladium, or platinum.

Example: The hydrogenation of ethene to form ethane:
C₂H₄ + H₂ → (Ni) C₂H₆

Halogenation: The addition of halogens to alkenes or alkynes. This reaction can be easily identified by the disappearance of the color of the halogen solution.

Example: The addition of bromine to ethene:
C₂H₄ + Br₂ → C₂H₄Br₂

Hydrohalogenation: The addition of hydrogen halides to alkenes or alkynes.

Example: The addition of hydrogen chloride to propene:
C₃H₆ + HCl → C₃H₇Cl

Tip for Easy Remembering: Think of “addition” as “coming together.” Imagine adding toppings to a pizza, where the double or triple bond is the base, and the atoms or groups are the toppings that add to it without taking anything away.


Polymerization is a chemical process where monomer molecules react together to form polymer chains or three-dimensional networks. This process can be classified into addition polymerization and condensation polymerization.

Addition Polymerization: Also known as chain-growth polymerization, it involves the addition of monomers with double or triple bonds to form a long chain. This type of polymerization includes three steps: initiation, propagation, and termination.

Example: The polymerization of ethene to form polyethylene:
nC₂H₄ → (C₂H₄)ₙ

Condensation Polymerization: Also known as step-growth polymerization, it involves the repeated condensation reaction between two different bifunctional or polyfunctional monomers, with the elimination of small molecules like water, ammonia, or methanol.

Example: The formation of nylon-6,6 from hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid:
nH₂N(CH₂)₆NH₂ + nHOOC(CH₂)₄COOH → [HN(CH₂)₆NH-CO(CH₂)₄CO]ₙ + 2nH₂O

Copolymerization: This involves the polymerization of two or more different types of monomers to form copolymers with properties distinct from those of the homopolymers.

Example: The copolymerization of styrene and butadiene to form styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR):
nC₈H₈ + mC₄H₆ → (C₈H₈)ₙ(C₄H₆)ₘ

Tip for Easy Remembering: Picture “polymerization” as “linking hands.” Imagine monomers as people holding hands to form a long chain or a complex network, symbolizing the creation of polymers from monomers.


Polymers are large, complex molecules composed of repeated structural units called monomers. They can be natural, like proteins and cellulose, or synthetic, like nylon and polyethylene. Polymers exhibit a wide range of properties and are essential materials in everyday life and various industries.

Natural Polymers: These are polymers that occur naturally and play vital roles in biological processes.

Example: Cellulose, a polymer of glucose, is a primary component of plant cell walls and provides structural support. Proteins, composed of amino acid monomers, perform various functions in organisms, including catalysis (enzymes), transport (hemoglobin), and structural support (collagen).

Synthetic Polymers: These are human-made polymers synthesized through chemical processes. They are designed to meet specific needs and have a wide range of applications.

Example: Polyethylene is one of the most commonly used synthetic polymers. It is made from the polymerization of ethene and is used in packaging materials, containers, and household products.

Thermoplastic Polymers: These polymers can be melted and re-molded multiple times without altering their chemical properties. They are widely used in manufacturing due to their recyclability.

Example: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a thermoplastic polymer used in pipes, flooring, and electrical cable insulation.

Thermosetting Polymers: These polymers undergo a curing process, forming irreversible chemical bonds. Once set, they cannot be remelted and reshaped.

Example: Epoxy resins are thermosetting polymers used in adhesives, coatings, and composite materials.

Elastomers: These are polymers with elastic properties, allowing them to stretch and return to their original shape.

Example: Natural rubber, obtained from latex, is an elastomer used in tires, footwear, and various other products.

Tip for Easy Remembering: Think of “polymers” as “building blocks.” Visualize assembling a large structure from small, repeating units (monomers), similar to constructing a building from individual bricks.

Combustion of Hydrocarbons

Combustion is a chemical reaction that occurs when a hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy in the form of heat and light. This exothermic reaction is crucial in many applications, including energy production, heating, and transportation.

Complete Combustion: This occurs when there is sufficient oxygen for the hydrocarbon to react completely, producing carbon dioxide and water.

Complete Combustion: This occurs when there is sufficient oxygen for the hydrocarbon to react completely, producing carbon dioxide and water.

Example: The complete combustion of methane:
CH₄ + 2O₂ → CO₂ + 2H₂O

Incomplete Combustion: This occurs when there is insufficient oxygen, resulting in the production of carbon monoxide, soot (carbon), and water. Incomplete combustion is less efficient and produces harmful pollutants.

Example: The incomplete combustion of methane:
2CH₄ + 3O₂ → 2CO + 4H₂O

Applications: Combustion of hydrocarbons is essential in various applications:

– Energy Production: Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are burned in power plants to generate electricity.
– Transportation: Hydrocarbon fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel are combusted in internal combustion engines to power vehicles.
– Heating: Natural gas, propane, and fuel oil are used in residential and commercial heating systems.

Environmental Impact: Combustion of hydrocarbons contributes to air pollution and climate change. Pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO₂), and particulate matter (PM) are harmful to human health and the environment. Carbon dioxide (CO₂), a greenhouse gas, contributes to global warming and climate change.

Tip for Easy Remembering: Remember “combustion” as “burning.” Think of the fire and flames produced when a hydrocarbon fuel reacts with oxygen, releasing energy in the form of heat and light.

Key Concepts to Remember

Substitution Reactions:

  • Replacement of one functional group by another.
  • Types: Nucleophilic (SN1 and SN2), Electrophilic, and Radical Substitution.

Addition Reactions:

  • Atoms or groups added to unsaturated compounds (alkenes, alkynes).
  • Types: Electrophilic Addition, Hydrogenation, Halogenation, Hydrohalogenation.


  • Monomers link to form polymers.
  • Types: Addition (chain-growth) and Condensation (step-growth) Polymerization.


  • Large molecules made from monomers.
  • Types: Natural (e.g., cellulose, proteins), Synthetic (e.g., polyethylene, PVC).

Combustion of Hydrocarbons:

  • Reaction with oxygen producing CO₂, water, and energy.
  • Complete vs. Incomplete Combustion.

Thermal Cracking:

  • Breaking down large hydrocarbons into smaller molecules using heat.
  • Applications: Fuel and olefins production.


  • Organic compounds with -OH group.
  • Classification: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary.


  • Simplest alcohol (CH₃OH), toxic.
  • Uses: Solvent, fuel, antifreeze, chemical feedstock.


  • Common alcohol (C₂H₅OH), found in beverages.
  • Uses: Fuel, solvent, antiseptic.

Industrial Preparation of Ethanol:

  • Hydration of ethene.

Carboxylic Acids:

  • Organic acids with -COOH group.
  • Examples: Acetic acid, formic acid.

Industrial Preparation of Ethanoic Acid:

  • Oxidation of acetaldehyde, carbonylation of methanol.


  • Formed from carboxylic acids and alcohols.
  • Uses: Fragrances, flavorings, solvents.


  • Produced by saponification (fats + alkali).
  • Cleansing action due to amphiphilic structure.


Types: Anionic, Cationic, Nonionic.

Synthetic cleaners, effective in hard water.

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