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Solids play a crucial role in our daily lives, as they are the foundation of many objects we use and encounter every day. From the structural design of buildings and bridges to everyday items like containers, tools, and packaging, the understanding of solid geometry is essential. The principles of solids help in optimizing space, ensuring stability, and enhancing the functionality of various products and structures.

electromagnetic indusction physics class 10 chapter 3


A pyramid is a three-dimensional geometric shape that has a polygonal base and triangular faces that converge at a single point called the apex. The base of a pyramid can be any polygon, such as a triangle, square, rectangle, or any other polygon. The most common types of pyramids are those with triangular, square, or rectangular bases. The number of triangular faces corresponds to the number of sides on the base. For example, a square pyramid has four triangular faces.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most famous examples of a square pyramid. It has a square base and four triangular faces that meet at the apex. Another example is the triangular pyramid (or tetrahedron), which has a triangular base and three triangular faces.
Additional Information:
Pyramids are important in various fields such as architecture, archaeology, and geometry. In mathematics, they are used to study volumes and surface areas. In architecture, pyramids are often used as structural elements due to their stability.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Remember that a pyramid always has a polygonal base and triangular sides that meet at a single point (apex). The number of sides on the base determines the number of triangular faces.

Base Edge

The base edge of a pyramid or a solid is the edge where the base meets the lateral faces. In a square pyramid, for instance, the base edge is the line segment where the square base meets the triangular faces. The length of the base edge is crucial in determining the area of the base and the overall volume of the pyramid.
In a square pyramid with a base side length of 5 cm, the base edge would also be 5 cm long. If you were to draw a pyramid with a hexagonal base, each base edge would correspond to the sides of the hexagon.
Additional Information:
The base edge is a critical dimension in the calculation of the surface area and volume of pyramids. Understanding the base edge is essential when solving problems involving these calculations.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Think of the base edge as the “foundation line” where the base and the triangular faces connect. It forms the perimeter of the base.

Lateral Edge

The lateral edge of a pyramid is the edge where two lateral (triangular) faces meet. In a square pyramid, there are four lateral edges, each formed by the intersection of two adjacent triangular faces. The length of the lateral edge is important for determining the slant height and surface area of the pyramid.
In a square pyramid, if the base side is 6 cm and the lateral edges are 8 cm, the lateral edges are the four lines that run from each corner of the base to the apex.
Additional Information:
Lateral edges are often used in conjunction with the base edge and height to calculate the slant height and surface area of pyramids.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Visualize the lateral edges as the “ridges” or “spines” of the pyramid that connect the apex to the base corners.


The apex is the highest point of a pyramid, where all the triangular faces converge. It is the point opposite the base, and its position relative to the base defines the shape and size of the pyramid.
In a square pyramid, the apex is the point directly above the center of the square base, where all four triangular faces meet.
Additional Information:
The apex plays a key role in defining the height of the pyramid, which is the perpendicular distance from the apex to the center of the base.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Remember the apex as the “tip” or “peak” of the pyramid, where all the sides come together.

Area of Pyramid

The area of a pyramid typically refers to its surface area, which includes the area of the base and the area of the triangular faces. The surface area can be calculated by finding the area of the base and adding the area of the triangular faces (lateral area).
For a square pyramid with a base side of 4 cm and a slant height of 5 cm, the surface area would be the area of the square base (4 cm * 4 cm = 16 cm²) plus the area of the four triangular faces.
Additional Information:
The lateral surface area is often calculated separately using the formula for the area of a triangle, then multiplied by the number of triangular faces.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Think of the surface area as “wrapping” the pyramid. Calculate the base area and add the areas of the triangular “wraps.”

Height and Slant Height

The height (also known as the perpendicular height) of a pyramid or cone is the perpendicular distance from the apex to the center of the base. The slant height is the distance from the apex to a point on the edge of the base, along one of the triangular faces in a pyramid or the curved surface in a cone.
In a right circular cone with a height of 9 cm and a radius of 4 cm, the slant height can be found using the Pythagorean theorem: l = √(r² + h²). Here, the slant height l = √(4² + 9²) = √97 ≈ 9.8 cm.
Additional Information:
The height is essential for calculating the volume, while the slant height is necessary for determining the surface area of pyramids and cones.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Remember that the height is always the straight line from the apex to the base, while the slant height “slides” down the surface to the base edge.

Surface Area of Pyramid

The surface area of a pyramid is the total area covered by the base and the lateral faces. It is calculated by adding the area of the base to the sum of the areas of the triangular faces.
For a square pyramid with a base side of 6 cm and a slant height of 8 cm, the surface area would be the area of the base (36 cm²) plus the lateral area (4 * (1/2) * 6 * 8 = 96 cm²). The total surface area would be 36 cm² + 96 cm² = 132 cm².
Additional Information:
The formula for the lateral area of a pyramid is (1/2) * perimeter of the base * slant height.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Visualize the surface area as “covering” the pyramid. The base area plus the “wrap” (lateral area) gives the total surface area.

Volume of Pyramid

The volume of a pyramid is the space it occupies, calculated by the formula V = (1/3) * base area * height. This formula applies to any pyramid, regardless of the shape of the base.
For a pyramid with a rectangular base measuring 4 cm by 6 cm and a height of 10 cm, the volume is V = (1/3) * (4 * 6) * 10 = 80 cm³.
Additional Information:
The factor of 1/3 in the volume formula reflects that a pyramid occupies one-third of the volume of a prism with the same base area and height.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Think of the volume as the “fill” inside the pyramid. It’s always one-third of the prism with the same base and height.


A cone is a three-dimensional geometric shape with a circular base and a single apex. The side surface of a cone is a smooth curve that extends from the base to the apex. Cones can be right (apex directly above the center of the base) or oblique (apex not aligned with the center of the base).
An ice cream cone is a common example of a cone, where the circular base is at the open end, and the apex is at the bottom.
Additional Information:
Cones are used in various applications, from architecture to traffic management (e.g., traffic cones). The properties of cones are central to many geometric calculations.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Remember a cone as a “pointy” shape with a circular base, like a party hat.

Radius of Base of Cone

The radius of the base of a cone is the distance from the center of the circular base to any point on the circumference. The radius is a key dimension used in calculating the surface area and volume of a cone.
If a cone has a base diameter of 10 cm, the radius is half of the diameter, which is 5 cm.
Additional Information:
The radius is essential for calculating both the base area (πr²) and the curved surface area (πrl) of the cone.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Think of the radius as the “reach” of the base from the center to the edge. It’s half the diameter.

Curved Surface Area of Cone

The curved surface area (CSA) of a cone is the area of the cone’s lateral surface, excluding the base. It is calculated using the formula πrl, where r is the radius of the base and l is the slant height.
For a cone with a base radius of 3 cm and a slant height of 5 cm, the curved surface area would be CSA = π * 3 * 5 = 15π cm².
Additional Information:
The curved surface area represents the area of the cone’s side, often visualized as the “wrap” around the cone.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Visualize unwrapping the cone into a flat shape. The CSA is the area of this “unwrapped” surface.

Volume of a Cone

The volume of a cone is the amount of space it occupies, calculated using the formula V = (1/3)πr²h, where r is the radius of the base and h is the height. This formula shows that a cone has one-third the volume of a cylinder with the same base and height.
For a cone with a base radius of 4 cm and a height of 9 cm, the volume would be V = (1/3)π * 4² * 9 = 48π cm³.
Additional Information:
The volume of a cone is crucial in various practical applications, from determining the capacity of conical containers to modeling physical phenomena.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Think of the cone’s volume as “filling” a cylinder of the same base and height, but only one-third full.


A sphere is a perfectly round three-dimensional object in which every point on the surface is equidistant from the center. It is the three-dimensional analog of a circle. Spheres have no edges or vertices, only a smooth, continuous surface.
Common examples of spheres include basketballs, globes, and soap bubbles. Each of these objects has a consistent, symmetrical shape.
Additional Information:
The properties of spheres are essential in various scientific fields, including physics, astronomy, and engineering. For instance, planets and stars are nearly spherical due to gravitational forces.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Remember that a sphere is like a “3D circle” with no edges or corners, just a smooth surface.


A cylinder is a three-dimensional shape with two parallel circular bases connected by a curved surface. The axis of the cylinder is the straight line joining the centers of the two bases. Cylinders can be right (axis perpendicular to the bases) or oblique (axis not perpendicular to the bases).
A common example of a cylinder is a can of soda, where the top and bottom are circular bases, and the side is the curved surface.
Additional Information:
Cylinders are widely used in engineering and manufacturing due to their structural strength and ability to contain materials, such as liquids or gases.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Think of a cylinder as a “tube” with two identical circular ends and a smooth side.

Frustum of a Cone

A frustum of a cone is the portion of a cone that remains after cutting off the top with a plane parallel to the base. It has two circular bases of different sizes and a curved surface that connects them. Frustums are commonly used in design and architecture.
The truncated cone shape of a lampshade or a bucket is an example of a frustum. These objects have circular bases of different sizes, with the larger base at the bottom.
Additional Information:
The volume and surface area of a frustum can be calculated using formulas that account for the dimensions of both bases and the height of the frustum.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Visualize a frustum as a “cut-off” cone, with the tip removed, leaving two circular bases.

Volume of a Sphere

The volume of a sphere is the amount of space it occupies, calculated using the formula V = (4/3)πr³, where r is the radius. This formula derives from integral calculus and reflects the symmetrical nature of the sphere.
For a sphere with a radius of 5 cm, the volume would be V = (4/3)π * 5³ = 500π/3 cm³.
Additional Information:
The volume of a sphere is crucial in various applications, from determining the capacity of spherical containers to calculating the volume of celestial bodies.
Tip for Easy Remembering:
Think of the sphere’s volume as “filling” the entire space inside the smooth, round surface.

Important Formulas


1. Volume of Pyramid: V = (1/3) * base area * height
2. Surface Area of Pyramid: SA = Base Area + Lateral Area
   – Lateral Area (for square base): LA = (1/2) * Perimeter of Base * Slant Height


1. Volume of Cone: V = (1/3) * π * r² * h
2. Curved Surface Area of Cone: CSA = π * r * l
3. Total Surface Area of Cone: TSA = π * r * (l + r)
4. Slant Height of Cone: l = √(r² + h²)


1. Volume of Cylinder: V = π * r² * h
2. Curved Surface Area of Cylinder: CSA = 2πrh
3. Total Surface Area of Cylinder: TSA = 2πr(h + r)


1. Volume of Sphere: V = (4/3) * π * r³
2. Surface Area of Sphere: SA = 4 * π * r²

Frustum of a Cone

1. Volume of Frustum: V = (1/3)πh(R² + Rr + r²)
2. Surface Area of Frustum: SA = π(R + r)l + πR² + πr²

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