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The Best Investment I Ever Made


“The Best Investment I Ever Made” by A.J. Cronin is a compelling story that explores the transformative power of kindness and compassion. It recounts a life-changing encounter between the author and a man whose life was saved by Cronin’s timely intervention many years earlier. The narrative highlights how a single act of empathy can ripple through time, positively impacting countless lives.

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Introduction to the Story: “The Best Investment I Ever Made” is a touching and morally profound short story by A.J. Cronin, a renowned British author. The story revolves around the theme of redemption and the far-reaching impact of a single act of kindness. It emphasizes how compassion and empathy can transform lives, leaving a lasting legacy that far outweighs any material gain.

Summary of the Story: The narrative begins with the author, Dr. A.J. Cronin, taking a voyage from New York. While on the ship, he notices a fellow passenger, Mr. John S_, who watches him closely. Despite the man’s apparent interest, Cronin initially avoids interaction, preferring solitude during his journey. However, his curiosity is piqued when he learns that Mr. John S_ and his wife are from a small suburb of London, and this intrigue eventually leads to an encounter that unravels a deeply moving story.

Character Sketch of Mr. John S_: Mr. John S_ is described as a man in his early forties, with a serious and reserved disposition. He is short, with a fair complexion, clear blue eyes, and thin hair receding from his forehead. Despite his quiet demeanor, there is a certain diffidence about him that is touching rather than intrusive. This portrayal hints at a man who has faced significant challenges in life but has emerged with a sense of purpose and determination. His sincerity and enthusiasm for his work in youth welfare become evident as the story unfolds.

Example and Description: One day, Mrs. S_ encourages her husband to approach Dr. Cronin. In a brief but intense conversation, Mr. John S_ reveals that he and his wife have dedicated the past 15 years to working in youth welfare, focusing on helping delinquent and maladjusted young people. This revelation intrigues Dr. Cronin, and he learns that Mr. John S_ is a solicitor who also serves as the director of a charitable organization. Their work involves taking troubled adolescents from juvenile courts, placing them in healthy environments, and providing them with training in useful handicrafts, ultimately helping them reintegrate into society as responsible citizens.

Memory Tip:
To remember Mr. John S_’s character, think of the initials “J.S.” as standing for “Just Sincere,” highlighting his sincerity and dedication to helping others.

The Flashback and Revelation: The story takes a dramatic turn when Mr. John S_ asks Dr. Cronin if he remembers him. At this point, Cronin is perplexed, unable to recall ever meeting him. However, when Mr. John S_ shares a few tense words, Cronin’s memory flashes back to a foggy November night 25 years earlier, when he was a young doctor in a working-class district of London. On that night, Cronin was called to attend to a suicide case—an event that would leave a lasting impression on both men.

Description and Example: Cronin recalls being awakened by a police sergeant who took him to a small attic where they found a young man unconscious from a suicide attempt. The young man had been driven to despair after gambling away his money and stealing a small amount from his office to cover his losses. With the help of the sergeant, Cronin spent over an hour resuscitating the young man, bringing him back from the brink of death. Moved by the youth’s plight, the three of them—Cronin, the sergeant, and the landlady—decided to give the young man a second chance. The sergeant chose not to report the incident, the landlady offered a month’s free accommodation, and Cronin contributed the money to replace what had been stolen.

Memory Tip:
Remember the phrase “Foggy Night, Fresh Start” to recall the pivotal moment when Cronin saved the young man, leading to his transformation into Mr. John S_.

The Impact of the Act of Kindness: This act of kindness had a profound impact on the young man, who later became Mr. John S_, a successful solicitor and a dedicated advocate for youth welfare. He was deeply grateful for the second chance he received, which not only saved his life but also redirected his path towards helping others. This encounter on the ship revealed to Dr. Cronin that his seemingly small act of compassion had far-reaching consequences, transforming a life and leading to the betterment of many others.

Example and Additional Information: Mr. John S_ and his wife, through their charitable work, helped countless troubled youths find purpose and stability. They took in adolescents who had been rejected by society and provided them with the care and guidance needed to rebuild their lives. This work, driven by John S_’s own experience of redemption, highlights the theme of the story: the best investments in life are those that yield not material wealth, but the satisfaction of making a difference in others’ lives.

Memory Tip:
Associate “Investment” with “Impact” to remember that the story’s true message is about the lasting positive impact of kindness, rather than financial gain.

Conclusion: “The Best Investment I Ever Made” by A.J. Cronin is a powerful narrative that reminds readers of the enduring value of compassion, empathy, and second chances. It shows that the greatest returns in life come not from material investments, but from the lives we touch through acts of kindness. Dr. Cronin’s reflection on this experience, and the realization of the profound effect his actions had on Mr. John S_ and many others, offers a timeless lesson in humanity.

Memory Tip:
Conclude with the thought, “Kindness Pays Dividends,” to encapsulate the essence of the story—that true wealth lies in the positive changes we can bring to others through our actions.

Key Points to Remember

  • Theme of Redemption: The story emphasizes how an act of kindness can lead to the redemption of a troubled individual, transforming their life for the better.
  • Character of Mr. John S_: A man saved from suicide by Dr. Cronin, who later dedicates his life to helping delinquent youth, showing how compassion can lead to a meaningful and impactful life.
  • Dr. Cronin’s Role: As a young doctor, Cronin’s decision to help Mr. John S_ without expecting anything in return illustrates the lasting impact of empathy and selflessness.
  • Collective Effort: The story highlights the importance of collective compassion, where the combined efforts of Dr. Cronin, a police sergeant, and a landlady give Mr. John S_ a second chance at life.
  • Moral Lesson: The narrative teaches that the best investments are not in material wealth but in actions that positively influence others’ lives.
  • Flashback Structure: The story uses a flashback to reveal the connection between Dr. Cronin and Mr. John S_, adding depth and emotional weight to the narrative.
  • Impact of Kindness: The story concludes with Cronin reflecting on how his small act of kindness turned out to be the most rewarding ‘investment’ of his life, despite it bringing no material gain.

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