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Reactivity Series and Electrochemistry


The study of reactivity series and electrochemistry involves understanding the behavior of metals with water, air, and acids, the principles of redox reactions, and the functioning of electrochemical cells. These concepts are crucial in various industrial applications, including metal extraction, electroplating, and the production of chemicals like chlorine and sodium hydroxide. Understanding these fundamental principles provides a solid foundation for further studies in chemistry and related fields.

electromagnetic indusction physics class 10 chapter 3

1. Reaction of Metals with Water

Metals react with water to form metal hydroxides and hydrogen gas. The reactivity of metals with water varies across the reactivity series. Alkali metals such as potassium, sodium, and lithium react vigorously with cold water, producing metal hydroxides and hydrogen gas. For example, the reaction of sodium with water is represented by the equation: 2Na + 2H₂O → 2NaOH + H₂. Metals like calcium and magnesium react more slowly with cold water but can react more rapidly with steam. Less reactive metals, such as iron and zinc, only react with steam, while metals like copper, silver, and gold do not react with water at all. Understanding these reactions helps in predicting the behavior of metals in various environments and in industrial applications. To remember the reactivity order, one can use mnemonics like “Please Stop Calling Me A Careless Zebra Instead Try Learning How Copper Saves Gold.”

2. Reaction of Metals with Air

Metals react with oxygen in the air to form metal oxides. The reactivity with air decreases down the reactivity series. Highly reactive metals such as potassium and sodium react rapidly with oxygen, forming oxides like K₂O and Na₂O. Magnesium and aluminum form protective oxide layers that prevent further oxidation. Iron reacts with oxygen and moisture to form rust (Fe₂O₃·nH₂O), a process known as corrosion. Less reactive metals like copper form a green patina (copper carbonate) over time, while gold and platinum are inert and do not react with air. These reactions are crucial for understanding corrosion and the need for protective coatings on metals. Mnemonics such as “Peter Sells Lovely Amazing Chairs For Grand Homes” can help remember the reactivity sequence.

3. Reaction of Metals with Acids

Metals react with acids to produce a salt and hydrogen gas. The reactivity of metals with acids follows the reactivity series. Highly reactive metals like potassium and sodium react explosively with dilute acids. Metals like magnesium and zinc react readily with acids, forming salts like magnesium chloride and zinc sulfate and releasing hydrogen gas (e.g., Mg + 2HCl → MgCl₂ + H₂). Metals like iron react slowly with acids, while metals like copper, silver, and gold do not react with dilute acids. Understanding these reactions is essential in predicting metal behavior in acid environments and for industrial applications. A mnemonic such as “Please Stop Calling Me A Zebra Instead Try Learning How Copper Saves Gold” can aid in memorizing the reactivity order.

4. Reactivity Series and Displacement Reactions

The reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in order of decreasing reactivity. It predicts the outcomes of displacement reactions, where a more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from its compound. For example, zinc can displace copper from copper sulfate solution (Zn + CuSO₄ → ZnSO₄ + Cu). This series helps in understanding and predicting metal reactions with water, air, and acids. Metals at the top (potassium, sodium) are highly reactive, while those at the bottom (gold, platinum) are least reactive. Mnemonics like “Please Stop Calling Me A Zebra Instead Try Learning How Copper Saves Gold” can aid in memorizing the order.

5. Redox Reactions

Redox reactions involve the transfer of electrons between substances, leading to changes in oxidation states. Oxidation is the loss of electrons, while reduction is the gain of electrons. In a redox reaction, one substance is oxidized, and another is reduced. For example, in the reaction Zn + Cu²⁺ → Zn²⁺ + Cu, zinc is oxidized (loses electrons) and copper is reduced (gains electrons). Redox reactions are fundamental in various chemical processes, including combustion, respiration, and corrosion. To remember the concepts, use the mnemonic “OIL RIG” (Oxidation Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain).

6. Galvanic Cell

A galvanic cell, or voltaic cell, converts chemical energy into electrical energy through spontaneous redox reactions. It consists of two half-cells, each containing a metal electrode immersed in an electrolyte solution. The anode undergoes oxidation, releasing electrons, while the cathode undergoes reduction, gaining electrons. For example, in a zinc-copper galvanic cell, zinc is oxidized at the anode (Zn → Zn²⁺ + 2e⁻), and copper ions are reduced at the cathode (Cu²⁺ + 2e⁻ → Cu). The flow of electrons through an external circuit generates electric current. Galvanic cells are the basis of batteries. Remember the setup using “An Ox (Anode Oxidation) and Red Cat (Reduction Cathode).”

7. Direction of Flow of Electron and Electricity

In electrochemical cells, electrons flow from the anode to the cathode through an external circuit. The direction of electron flow is opposite to the conventional current direction. In a galvanic cell, the anode is negative (source of electrons), and the cathode is positive (accepts electrons). In an electrolytic cell, the external power source forces electrons to flow from the cathode (negative) to the anode (positive). Understanding the direction of electron and current flow is essential for designing and analyzing electrochemical cells. To remember, use “ACID” (Anode Current In, Direction).

8. Electrolytic Cells

Electrolytic cells use electrical energy to drive non-spontaneous chemical reactions. They consist of an electrolyte solution, a power source, and two electrodes (anode and cathode). In electrolysis, cations move towards the cathode to gain electrons (reduction), while anions move towards the anode to lose electrons (oxidation). For example, in the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride, sodium ions are reduced at the cathode (Na⁺ + e⁻ → Na), and chloride ions are oxidized at the anode (2Cl⁻ → Cl₂ + 2e⁻). Electrolytic cells are used in metal extraction, electroplating, and water splitting. Remember the processes using “PANIC” (Positive Anode Negative Is Cathode).

9. Electrolytes

Electrolytes are substances that dissociate into ions in solution, allowing the solution to conduct electricity. Common electrolytes include salts, acids, and bases. In electrochemical cells, electrolytes facilitate the movement of ions between electrodes, maintaining electrical neutrality. For example, in a galvanic cell, the salt bridge contains an electrolyte that allows ions to flow, preventing charge buildup. In electrolytic cells, electrolytes provide the ions needed for the redox reactions. Understanding electrolytes is crucial for analyzing and designing electrochemical processes. Remember, “Electrolytes Equal Ion Movement.”

10. Cations and Anions

Cations are positively charged ions (e.g., Na⁺, Ca²⁺), and anions are negatively charged ions (e.g., Cl⁻, SO₄²⁻). In electrochemical cells, cations move towards the cathode, where they gain electrons (reduction), and anions move towards the anode, where they lose electrons (oxidation). The movement of cations and anions is essential for maintaining electrical neutrality and allowing the cell to function. For example, in the electrolysis of NaCl, Na⁺ ions move to the cathode, and Cl⁻ ions move to the anode. To remember, use “Cats Are Positive” (Cations Positive) and “Ants Are Negative” (Anions Negative).

11. Electrolysis of Molten Sodium Chloride

The electrolysis of molten sodium chloride (NaCl) produces sodium metal and chlorine gas. In this process, NaCl is melted, and an electric current is passed through it. At the cathode, sodium ions are reduced to sodium metal (Na⁺ + e⁻ → Na). At the anode, chloride ions are oxidized to chlorine gas (2Cl⁻ → Cl₂ + 2e⁻). The overall reaction is: 2NaCl → 2Na + Cl₂. This process is used industrially to produce sodium metal and chlorine gas. Sodium is used in various chemical reactions and industries, while chlorine is used in water treatment and the production of PVC. Remember, “NaCl → Na + Cl₂.”

12. Practical Utility of Electrolysis

Electrolysis has practical applications in various industries. It is used in metal extraction, such as the extraction of aluminum from bauxite through the Hall-Héroult process. Electrolysis is also used in electroplating, where a thin layer of metal is deposited onto an object to improve its appearance and resistance to corrosion. Water electrolysis produces hydrogen and oxygen gases for fuel and industrial uses. Electrolysis is essential in the production of chlorine and sodium hydroxide in the chlor-alkali process. Understanding the practical applications of electrolysis highlights its importance in modern industry. Remember the key applications: “Extraction, Plating, Gases.”

13. Electroplating

Electroplating is a process that uses electrolysis to deposit a thin layer of metal onto the surface of an object. It improves the object’s appearance, durability, and resistance to corrosion. In electroplating, the object to be plated is made the cathode, and the metal to be deposited is made the anode. The electrolyte contains metal ions of the plating metal. For example, in copper plating, a copper anode and an electrolyte solution containing copper ions (e.g., copper sulfate) are used. Copper ions are reduced at the cathode, depositing a layer of copper on the object. The equation is Cu²⁺ + 2e⁻ → Cu. Remember, “Plating Enhances Durability.”

14. Copper Plating of an Iron Bangle

Copper plating of an iron bangle involves electroplating to deposit a thin layer of copper onto the bangle. The iron bangle is made the cathode, a copper rod is the anode, and an electrolyte solution containing copper ions (e.g., copper sulfate) is used. During electrolysis, copper ions in the solution are reduced at the cathode, forming a layer of copper on the bangle. The overall reaction at the cathode is Cu²⁺ + 2e⁻ → Cu. This process enhances the appearance and corrosion resistance of the iron bangle. Electroplating is widely used in jewelry, automotive parts, and decorative items. Remember, “Copper Enhances Appearance.”

15. Different Types of Electrolytes for Different Metal Plating

Different types of electrolytes are used for electroplating various metals. The choice of electrolyte depends on the metal to be plated and the desired properties of the coating. For example, copper plating uses copper sulfate solution, silver plating uses silver nitrate solution, and gold plating uses gold chloride solution. The electrolyte provides the metal ions needed for the plating process. Electroplating is used to improve the appearance, durability, and corrosion resistance of objects. Understanding the different electrolytes helps in selecting the appropriate solution for specific electroplating applications. Remember, “Electrolytes Vary by Metal.”

Key Points to Remember

Reaction of Metals with Water

  • Highly reactive metals (K, Na, Li) react vigorously with water, producing hydroxides and hydrogen gas.
  • Less reactive metals (Ca, Mg) react slowly with water but faster with steam.
  • Metals like Fe and Zn react only with steam.
  • Mnemonic: “Please Stop Calling Me A Careless Zebra Instead Try Learning How Copper Saves Gold.”

Reaction of Metals with Air

  • Highly reactive metals (K, Na) form oxides quickly.
  • Mg and Al form protective oxide layers.
  • Iron forms rust (Fe₂O₃·nH₂O) when exposed to moisture and air.
  • Less reactive metals like Cu form a green patina (CuCO₃).
  • Mnemonic: “Peter Sells Lovely Amazing Chairs For Grand Homes.”

Reaction of Metals with Acids

  • Highly reactive metals (K, Na) react explosively with acids.
  • Mg and Zn react readily, producing salts and hydrogen gas.
  • Fe reacts slowly, Cu, Ag, and Au do not react.
  • Mnemonic: “Please Stop Calling Me A Zebra Instead Try Learning How Copper Saves Gold.”

Reactivity Series and Displacement Reactions

  • More reactive metals displace less reactive metals from compounds.
  • Example: Zn + CuSO₄ → ZnSO₄ + Cu.
  • Mnemonic: “Please Stop Calling Me A Zebra Instead Try Learning How Copper Saves Gold.”

Redox Reactions

  • Oxidation: loss of electrons.
  • Reduction: gain of electrons.
  • Mnemonic: “OIL RIG” (Oxidation Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain).

Galvanic Cell

  • Converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
  • Anode: oxidation, Cathode: reduction.
  • Example: Zn-Cu galvanic cell.
  • Mnemonic: “An Ox (Anode Oxidation) and Red Cat (Reduction Cathode).”

Direction of Flow of Electron and Electricity

  • Electrons flow from anode to cathode.
  • Conventional current flows from cathode to anode.
  • Mnemonic: “ACID” (Anode Current In, Direction).

Electrolytic Cells

  • Use electrical energy to drive non-spontaneous reactions.
  • Anode: oxidation, Cathode: reduction.
  • Example: Electrolysis of molten NaCl.
  • Mnemonic: “PANIC” (Positive Anode Negative Is Cathode).


  • Substances that dissociate into ions in solution.
  • Essential for ion movement in electrochemical cells.
  • Example: NaCl in water.
  • Mnemonic: “Electrolytes Equal Ion Movement.”

Cations and Anions

  • Cations: positively charged ions (Na⁺).
  • Anions: negatively charged ions (Cl⁻).
  • Mnemonic: “Cats Are Positive” (Cations Positive) and “Ants Are Negative” (Anions Negative).

Electrolysis of Molten Sodium Chloride

  • Produces sodium metal and chlorine gas.
  • Na⁺ + e⁻ → Na (reduction at cathode).
  • 2Cl⁻ → Cl₂ + 2e⁻ (oxidation at anode).
  • Remember: “NaCl → Na + Cl₂.”

Practical Utility of Electrolysis

  • Used in metal extraction, electroplating, and water splitting.
  • Examples: Hall-Héroult process, chlor-alkali process.
  • Remember key applications: “Extraction, Plating, Gases.”


  • Uses electrolysis to deposit metal on an object.
  • Example: Copper plating with CuSO₄ electrolyte.
  • Mnemonic: “Plating Enhances Durability.”

Copper Plating of an Iron Bangle

  • Iron bangle as cathode, copper rod as anode, CuSO₄ electrolyte.
  • Cu²⁺ + 2e⁻ → Cu (deposits copper on the bangle).
  • Mnemonic: “Copper Enhances Appearance.”

Different Types of Electrolytes for Different Metal Plating

  • Copper: copper sulfate solution.
  • Silver: silver nitrate solution.
  • Gold: gold chloride solution.
  • Mnemonic: “Electrolytes Vary by Metal.”

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